Songo Blue Skies

Monday, July 20, 2009

Once upon a time ...A Tale of House Wrens

Once upon a time there was a little bird house in a garden. A pair of House Wrens lived there with their family.
They found the tastiest bugs and worms for their brood and they dilligently brought them lots of goodies.
On a certain day in their lives there was a woman taking pictures at a respectful distance. The parents went about their business of capturing and bringing their young food until one of the family house cats showed up.

There arose such a clatter of chatter that the whole neighborhood was soon alerted.

Eventually the cat moved on to the shade of a car away from the house. The chatter ceased and the parents went back to the business of feeding their young.
The end.
Have a great rainy Tuesday.


Dawn Fine said...

cute story! what a delight to be able to click on your photos and get close of views of the birds!

Thanks so much for your kind comment on Nature Blog network!

Dan Huber said...

I love the post/story and great pics. We have a pair outside the office window in a house and I love the singing.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the wrens held their ground!

Cindy said...

Thanks all for your kind comments. This one was fun to write.

Dawn thanks I love getting close to nature.

Dan I agree their singing is sweet, but boy do they make a racket when the cats are about.

Steve, Yes the birds won but later that day there was a close call. As i was leaving we heard their alarm call and here was the cat up on top of the gate. My sister went over and used one of the wreaths to get the cat down.

Kelly said...

Ahhhh...I loved you post and narration of the wrens. I also had to laugh, because I almost used "There arose such a clatter" in my Wren post too! It fits perfect with those little birds. :-)

Cindy said...

Thanks kelly, I really enjoyed your story too. When I wrote it their ranting reminded me of nothing else except that.