It was exciting to be on a bird walk and see a rarity for the area. Luke Tiller from Sunrise Birding led our group to several birding spots in Westport, CT. We ended up at Sherwood Island State Park where the good ears of Katie and Luke heard the warbler. We had great views for about half an hour and were able to get a couple of teen girls, who walked over to us, views as

well. My thanks to Luke for a great outing.

We saw: yellow-rumped warblers
downy and red bellied woodpeckers
chipping and swamp sparrows
great egret
canadian geese
and lots of the everyday birds from the area
1 comment:
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for joining me for the morning. A couple of nice shots of the Warbler to record the moment. Pretty exciting stuff. Look forward to seeing you soon.
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