Songo Blue Skies

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Allen's Meadows in the Fall

Hard to believe that fall migration will be over in a few weeks. I love going to Allen's Meadows in Wilton, Ct. I'm trying to visit as often as I can. The gardens are dying down even though there are still many flowers in bloom. There are many sparrows and warblers plus other passerines passing through. Here is a sampling of a few from my first visit, Labor Day weekend. I have been back there this week and finally saw some sparrows but I'll save that for the next post.

Eastern Kingbird

Female Common Yellowthroat

Female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird - the gardens were abuzz with hummingbirds on the last weekend of August. They were chasing each other all over the gardens.

Male Yellow Warbler

Palm Warbler

Female Goldfinch corrected this is a female Indigo Bunting thanks to Rob Jett
Empress Leilia (I think) if anyone knows for sure please correct Thanks. I love that you can see the eye on this guy